Diaspora members luncheon with State Department Official


Cambridge, December 7th 2018

Representatives of the diaspora community in Massachusetts convened by Africans in Boston, had an informal luncheon with Ms. Maria Martinez, US Department of State Desk Officer for Burkina Faso and Cabo Verde.
They discussed the Department of State’s bi-lateral economic relations, including current projects with the two countries and brainstormed the different ways that the diaspora can participate in the implementation of these programs.
Prior to the meeting, Ms. Martinez was hosted on Africa2U, a TV show on Acton TV, to talk about the Department of States’ support to Burkina Faso, in its role in the G5 Sahel,  and Cabo Verde as the first Country in Sub-Saharan Africa to have a US consulate, even though it was a portuguese colony at the time.
Ms. Martinez was primarily in Massachusetts, representing the Department of State at the bicentennial anniversary celebrations of relations between the United States and Cabo Verde, at the Cabo Verde Consulate in Quincy Massachusetts.
Diaspora members hope for continuous dialogue with the Department of State.