Africans in Boston has a database of over 5,000 contacts, a website with over 500k+ hits per year, a Facebook  page, a Facebook Group page with ~3,000 members, an Instagram page, a SnapChat page and a Twitter page and a Linkedin page.
Africans in Boston offers the following sponsorship ad packages:

a) ad banners on

b) sponsor logos on AiB ‘s newsletter: African in Boston Review

c) banners and logos placement at AiB sponsored events

Sponsorship Types

Name of business on Africans in Boston’s websites’ Business Directory.

Name of business, website, address, phone number on Africans in Boston’s website Business Directory.

Name of business, website, address, phone number, logo, promotional updates on Africans in Boston’s website Business Directory and in Africans in Boston’s newsletter (AiB Review)

Name of business, website address, phone number, logo, promotional updates on Africans in Boston’s website Business Directory and on Africans in Boston’s newsletter (AiB Review). Banners and logos placements at special Africans in Boston events. Free tickets to special events (i.e. AiB Annual Gala) and discounted additional tickets.
