Our Manifesto
The Preamble
The ‘March for Freedom’ is an inclusive social movement formed from a coalition of organizations and supporters that is uniting the citizens of Massachusetts, civil society leaders, and all those who are against the enslavement of African migrants in Libya and beyond. The ‘March for Freedom’ movement is based in Boston, MA., we organize our communities, mobilize our supporters and raise awareness through all forms of media in order to pressure those with the power to remedy the Slavery situation into action.
It has been established that African migrants are currently being enslaved and traded by criminal elements operating in Libya and these unfortunate souls have been the victims of barbaric forms of abuse in many locations along the Mediterranean Sea. We, the organizers and supporters of the ‘March for Freedom’ strongly condemn the practice of slavery and advocate for a world free of slavery.
The enslavement of Africans in Libya and beyond is a human rights issue that violates the following UN conventions:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its Article 4 states, “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms;”
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in its Article 8 states, “No one shall be held in slavery; slavery and the slave-trade in all their forms shall be prohibited,” “No one shall be held in servitude,” and “No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labor;”
Our Goal
We, the coalition of organizers and supporters of the ‘March for Freedom’, have set a goal to eradicate slavery in all its forms, bring all culprits of the slave trade to justice, address the root causes driving the slave trade and provide the much-needed support to the victims of the modern-day slave trade.
Our Demands
We, the coalition of organizers and supporters of the ‘March for Freedom’, demand for all parties, International Organizations including the United Nations, the African Union, the European Union, Multi national corporations, the governments of the United States of America , all other Governments and their elected officials to increase efforts to condemn the practice of slavery, bring to justice all individuals engaged to justice, implement local, national and international strategies to resolve the root causes of economic migrants and provide substantial support for the victims.
Our Pledge
We, the coalition of organizations and supporters signed below, hereby pledge our solidarity to the Manifesto of the ‘March for Freedom’, and agree to:
- Work within the agreed ‘March for Freedom’ organizational structure and by-laws.
- Remain vigilant in our efforts to monitor, pressure and hold to account all actors in the slave trade as we progress towards our
- Maintain inclusive, professional & innovative branding for the ‘March for Freedom’.
- Advocate tirelessly for those affected by Slavery.
We, the coalition of organizers and supporters of the ‘March for Freedom’, now and forever march for Freedom, Equality and Justice for all.
We are a coalition of civil society leaders, community organizations, and determined citizens.